My ass along with most of Omaha Nebraska has lived here since birth. Let me tell you a few things about the state and city we all live in, K? I personally think its a decent place to live and a good place to raise a family.But its boring. Places close early and omg on a Sunday night at 8pm its a fucking ghost town. Another thing that it is known for is ice snow and cold. It does it each year and it can last from November and go all the way to March at times. My birhtday is March 28th and one year there was a full fledged blizzard. It happens its winter, and if you look winter up it will use one word to describe it: SUCKS
So please someone tell me while people freak the egg nog out when it happens. I mean even the weather people freak out. The way they talk and get everyone all worked up is stupid. I think the weathermen get hard ons about it. Two days before this storm we are having now panic set it. I heard have you built your shelter yet? I also heard better stock up on canned goods and bunker down cuz the end is coming. It annoys me and I swear I get super duper angry about it. Deal with it you pussies it snows. That is not call for staying in and eating canned beans, closing down hy vees at 6pm and definitely not calling in for work. My fat ass for 1 year straight rode happy ass mat bus and bitches you better beleive I even took it in the snow. My fine diva ass one time was walking in snow that was up to my knees. Ok, so shut your holes. OH and for those of you I will say this I dont drive, but I am still out in this and its never as bad as people will say. I love it when I hear omg cars the size the size of the ones in the transformers movies are going off the roads and into ditches. No they are not, shut up....
Men who act like that really piss me off. You have a weiner and a big pair of hairy ass balls dont you dare be a pussy. Dont you dare utter the words, OMG the roads are bad. Now you can think it but once those words have escaped your lips, balls are gone and congrats you have big old pink pussy lips now ass holes. If I was married to a man that was openly fearful I would call a divorce lawyer and put pussy as the reason we were splitting.
Ladies and gents this is going be a long winter for his very awesome diva because I have joined the land of face book and I swear I see OMG the roads are terrible cancel work food and all fun actities. Then C and I will go out in it and the roads are fine...
In closing my ass would like to do a shout out to all the pussies amongst us, hey oscar meyer weiner called, they just made your dick into next weeks special sale assholes.
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