October 4, 2011

Is there a rewind button?

I am really just a big old chubby sarcastic mess. I talk out my bubble bum and I am not perfect at all. I have plenty of awkward moments and at times I want to crawl under the rock that I came from. Kitty at work always says to me and has since day one. That mouth one day is going to get you into trouble. Well that folks it has and I know it will many more times.
My topic tonight is embarassing moments. Those one moments where you wish scotty would beam your ass up or you could pause like Zach used to do in Saved By The Bell......
So as I sit here I am thinking of 10 possible most embarassing or awkward moments.
Get that pause button ready LOL

1. The moment where you realize you just hit send on a text or email to the wrong person
2. Having someone come up to you and be like hey whats up and you are silently going OMG I have no flipping idea who this person is but you smile and carry on like you are BFF.
3. Tripping while you are walking. We all have done it and we all get pissed when we do it. Its like we get all mad and try and play it off.
4. Wearing a light shirt with a bra that is neon and not noticing until you are at work.
5. Bend over to pick something up and oopie toot toot LOL
6. Getting up at like 130 am tired as fudge and sitting down on the toilet just to find out that your hubby didnt put the seat back down or in my case back in the day my brother at my parents house.
7. Walking around with you skirt tucked into your undies
8. Walking around with toilet paper in places it shouldnt be.
9. Totally flirting it up with a hot boy or girl to find out you had a boogie in your nose, or some foodage in your teeth.
10. This one only close friends and co workers will get. The moment where your old boss comes out of the bathroom like the end is coming screaming someones purple panties are on the bathroom floor and they are totally yours.

JD words of wisdom.  I am sarcastic and talk out my chubby bum but I am harmless and I have done and experienced almost all those embarassing moments above and there are more I am sure to come my way.

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