October 3, 2011

Why is the sky blue?

Anyone who has little kids, or nieces and nephews or shoot even around kids know they ask a lot of questions.  I can remember Tyler asking me why is this why is that and I would be like for the love of beans and rice quit asking me I dont know...LOL

As I get older I find myself having random questions that I want to ask.  Now mine arent sweet or funny or even cute. Mine are well you guessed it sarcastic. They normally of course involve my favorite topic, people.

So sit back on this why was it Monday already night , put on your snuggie and enjoy some of the questions JD would love to just randomly ask.

1. Why when you are talking to someone and they want to say someone was of a different race (normally they are refering to a black person) do they look left then right, and then  lean in to you and whisper and they were black.  Black people know they are black, no need to whisper.

2. Why do people have to brag about how much they spent and name drop about it. Like I got these shoes and they were nike and I paid 2.5 million dollars for them. Well Molly these here are flip flops from wal mart and I paid $4.99

3. Why do people have their kids on leashes. They are not pets, if you want a dog go to the pound. If you cant control your kid, leave them home or better yet dont reproduce.

4. Why on TV shows are all the fat men with pretty girls but no big pretty woman are with normal sized guys? Oh wait that is because all the fat girls are bed bound eating some finger licking good KFC , my bad.

5. Why is Bruce Willis so chummy with Demi and Ashton?

6.  Why does that Progressive TV commerical lady still have a job?

7. Why when you are getting off an elevator do the dumb assees waiting to get on try and ambush you and get on before you come out?Look here missy I get off then you get on. Wasnt that taught in like the 2nd grade?

8. Why do men have long hair? I was never a fan of Fabio so I say cut that shit. If you want to be a woman go to the goodwill buy a dress and some high heels and go home and do your thing. In private!

9. What exactly is wrong with Jay Lenos chin and when does it go back to the planet it came from?

10. When Britney went mental why didnt she stay there and who in the thin mint cookie made her nasty hooker ass famous to begin with?

11. Why do some people who are going to college demand the world kiss their ass simply because they are going to school. Hey Mr Harvard, can I have fries with that?

12. Why is wal mart the devil yet my BFF?

13. Speaking of wal mart. That store is huge so why each time the one aisle I need there is at least 2-3 desperate housewives stalking me. Look I know I am a diva and adorable but back off and go buy a romance novel please and tell yourself  over and over again, my hubby prefers me this way.

14. Why do people eat fast food order and get diet pop? Yes America I know, its what you really like to drink.

15. Why do people get dogs who really dont want or take care of pets?

16. Why do people that you dont really know or fancy come around and show you a picture of their kids? I mean really I dont care what Jr looks like and to be honest his pictures scare me.

17. Why do people invite people to their parties only because you will get them a kick ass gift?

18.  What did ever happen to Waldo?

19.  Why do some people silently ignore my FB friend request?  Once they dont accept you its all you think about for that day.

20. Seriously, why is the sky blue?  :)

JD words of wisdom:  Lets face it we all young and old have our very own questions. Some are just better off not asked. LOL

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